Our Classroom
Our classroom is a place of learning, exploration, discovery, productive struggle, and most importantly love and belonging. Our classroom is a co-created space that fosters an environment of deeper learning while prioritizing the holistic growth and development of every member of our classroom community. Students are teachers and teachers are students. We learn from and teach one another and pursue all goals with a growth mindset.
Student Work!
Students worked hard analyzing, annotating, and making connections with a variety of different types of texts!
Students spent lots of time working with professional examples to generate ideas on how to implement what they learn in meaningful ways!
Students practiced being critical thinkers when tackling complex texts like Shakespeare's Sonnet #18! They learned how to identify literary devices and rhyme scheme.
Photo Gallery!

A Sneak Peak into Our Class

This clip is a sneak peek into the many wonderful things that go on in our classroom! This was during our "The Story of R.A.P." project where students were preparing to create their own original album cover for their songs and poems! Before jumping into the work, students participated in an activity that asked them to go around the class and obsrve actual professionally designed and created album covers. Then, students were asked to generate a list of aspects they think make a strong album cover. Once students had time to wander around and observe the covers, we came back together and shared in a whole class setting what aspects of the covers were interesting to us as well as what aspects are necessary for a strong album cover. Our final list would go on to become our co-created rubric for this assignment!